Saturday 25 January 2014

You are who you surround yourself with

I don't have a personal trainer or a dietician. But I do have the luxury of having friends in the fitness industry. It's the blessing (previously viewed by me as a curse haha) of working in the recreation industry and specifically in a recreation centre.

A huge piece of my personal weight-loss battle comes down to the adage: "You are who you surround yourself with".  Every single one of my closest friends is fit-conscious some way or another. For too long I was the self proclaimed odd-man-out. I refused to go hiking because I didn't want to be the one who couldn't make it to the top. I didn't want to work out with anyone because I didn't want them to see that I couldn't run for very long or that I didn't have any idea how to use any of the machines at the gym or know how to do any of the exercises. My outcast mindset had nothing to do with how my friends actually felt about me; it had everything to do with the way I felt about me and in turn what I assumed they felt about me. Despite encouragement and constant conversations about the fact that in fitness classes nobody actually pays any attention to what you are doing or look like because they are all too busy just trying to survive themselves.

Can you relate? What changed you ask? Well, the background is a long story for a different post. But it comes down to a fundamental change in thinking; an absolute, desperate need for a 180 degree change in my mindset and the way that I live my life. But the only way I have done it and survived thus far is due to the people in my inner support circle. Working at a Rec Centre, I have friends who make a living in every area of the fitness industry. But more than that, I have friends who absolutely love me for who I am, overweight or not. My friends push me and challenge me. They take me out hiking and instead of being frustrated that I am slowing them down (as I still perceive they should), they are genuinely excited to be out in fresh air and have me with them. My friends invite me to join them in different health-conscious endeavours whether I decline every time or not. My friends give me room to fall on my face and then help me stand back up again. They praise me for my successes and remind me of them when I'm tempted to make bad choices -  and I'm telling you, I actually don't think there is a bigger motivator when it comes to weight-loss than someone saying you look great or giving you a thumbs up every time they see you getting in the pool to swim laps!

If you are my friend... Thank you.

I've been employed in aquatics for 5 years and for most of them I've been an aquafit instructor - CRAZY! I know right?! And I'm going to be honest with you there is almost nothing that I hate more than teaching aquafit for no other reason except that I don't feel qualified. I've taken all the necessary courses and training and love to participate in aquafit. But I don't think I have the right look. I'm 100lbs (-30 now :D) overweight: everything bounces the wrong way when I demonstrate. I do not see myself as a fitness role-model (yet). But, my friends whom I do view as fitness role-models constantly remind me that everybody's journey is different; that there is always someone who can relate to someone else; and that everybody has something to offer.

So that's what I'm going with. I have encouragement to offer and praise if you need it. I'm excited to do this because I want to show people like me that we can be who we want to be and get their with the help of our people. You can't do it on your own. I can't do it on your own. Surround yourself with people you want to be like in more than one way or for bigger reasons than what you can take from them. Make sure you have your "people" - the ones who love you no matter how high or how low you feel, how big or how small you are.

Lotsa love folks :)