Saturday 15 February 2014

Don't let hunger rage win! Be intentional

So, I've gained the past 3 weeks. :( wah wah wah BUMMER! And like anybody else who is trying to make this work I know exactly why (sometimes it's easy to pass it off as nothing or to pretend like I don't, but I do). For me, it's because I've allowed the boundaries between work and personal life to become blurred again. I have no problem putting in extra hours and taking one (or 12) for the team but significant weight loss - no, significant lifestyle change - has to be the central focus of ones life. It has to be the #1 priority. The one thing that nothing else can get in the way of. For me, work is always trying to be that thing - and it isn't, or shouldn't be.

When I let work become that thing I don't eat when I should which means I become afflicted with hunger-rage. Ladies & gents whether you call it being "hangry" or "hunger-rage" you know what I'm talking about. I have about 3 stages (as identified by my best friends/previous room mates)

  1. Hunger rage - This is where I just get annoyed a lot. Don't get me wrong, it's not pleasant for me or those around me, but at this point I can still identify what's going on and fix it, usually by stuffing my face FULL of things I really shouldn't be.
  2. HRE: Hunger Rage Emergency - At this stage I see red. I have no idea why I'm angry but I usually don't believe it has anything to do with the lack of sustenance in my body for hours on end despite the fact that's exactly the reason. Everybody around me suffers because I truly believe they all deserve to die.
  3. Sudden Onset HRE - This stage amplifies the second stage by 2 (or 10, depending on who you ask). In both of these stages, even eating something does not immediately calm me down, but it eventually will. This is where anyone around me begins shoving anything they can get their hands on into my hands or mouth.
So "Hunger Rage" ain't pleasant. And it is THE reason I've been unsuccessful in the pounds lost department this month. I live on Starbucks caramel macchiatto's for the mornings and sometimes oatmeal. Lunch - if I even remember to eat it becomes some random concession food like chicken fingers, poutine, or when I'm feeling calm enough to try and be healthy 2 chicken wraps. Snacks then don't even exist in my world along with fruits and vegetables. For dinner it's either nothing or sugary/salty yummy comfort food that I continue to eat before bed and then every single time I wake up during the night.

This cycle, not only causes significant weight gain but it makes me feel SO CRAPPY! WHY DO I EVEN SUCCUMB TO IT?! Because I put my guard down. I let myself become a complacent work-a-holic. I know the words complacent and work-a-holic don't really go together, but when work takes over, there is no room left in my life to really care about anything else.

 I was reeeaally hoping what they say about weight-loss happening in the kitchen was not true. But it totally is. I have been an exercising machine the past couple weeks! That's been the only saving grace from packing back on every single pound of the 30 I've lost so far. But I've been eating like crap and talking about getting on a meal plan but avoiding doing it. This also really affects my sleep, which affects my workout and my entire day. I am someone who needs sleep to function even just a little.

So, if you are in the same rut as I am currently, don't despair! We can climb out! But we need to be intentional. Here's the 4 things I'm going to do differently this week to make that change happen:
  1. Work normal hours and not every day of the week
  2. Track what I'm eating - I ditched that a couple weeks ago and have regretted it ever since
  3. Put a reminder in my calendar to eat and snack - for everybody's sake. I might even invite my co-workers into those meeting requests for accountability's sake and to get them eating with me.
  4. Shop after eating/when I'm not hungry and make good food choices in the grocery store
For tracking, I've been using the weight watchers app. I signed on to weight watchers in October and have never actually used it for anything other than tracking. But I also recommend myfitnesspal. It essentially does the same thing - gives you a daily calorie intake (rather than WW points), allows you to track your food, activity, weight and goals. And the best part is, your friends with the same app can see positive updates from your profile as well as getting an update whenever it's been awhile since you've logged in so they can encourage you. I used to find it very annoying  but I see the benefits now that my mindset is changing.

The moral of the story today folks is, this lifestyle change MUST be the #1 thing on your priorities list. You won't be successful if it isn't. It's a daily decision and work ethic. Make the right choice. Send me a message if you need some encouragement or find a friend who can be that for you. Everybody needs a best friend like mine because he keeps me accountable. When we stand in starbucks and he gives me a "look", crosses his arms and says "is that venti a non-fat?", he usually takes guff from me but has also received some serious hate from the barista taking my order! But he still keeps on supporting me and calling me out on my bad decisions (which he doesn't even know the half of because I usually hide them from everybody). Everybody needs someone like that.

Be intentional!

Lotsa love :)